The greatest feature of this scripture is that it does not deal with any doctrinal or disciplinary issues, but rather the most fundamental matters that follow the Buddhas teachings. In the end, the main points of 《Law Watching》 come down to two questions: ‘How should I believe?’ And ‘How should I live?’. Particularly, regardless of the singer or the apostate, the fundamentals of receiving Buddhas teachings come from cultivating ones own heart, and thus, from getting away from all desires and obsessions, and in order to do that, you have to get a bright understanding of yourself. The words of “Landscape” will be a clear answer to why it is the most popular scripture read by you. Few scriptures have been mourned by Buddhists since ancient times, and even today, such widely read scriptures are hard to find. Even those who do not have a deep understanding of Buddhism, the fact that only the “Landscape” is touched without any sense of resistance may be due to the universality of the deep wisdom of the “Landscape”.